Supernatural School Light in the Darkness

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Wherever You Are I AM

Raising the dead

It all begins when I was about 16 It was my birthday I was evangelizing a girl that I liked, and in the conversation, she suddenly said “ I believe everything you say except Jesus raising the dead, and btw because it’s your birthday let me take for a meal” so we walked up the hill (yes I am withholding details to keep this short).

As we walked up the hill we could see a crown ahead of us, we both looked at each other and said no way wouldn’t. As we got closer we recognized nurses and a couple of doctors, one of the nurses was an aunt of the girl I liked, I politely said hello and left her to find out what was happening, one of them pointed just behind us to a pub wall in crystal palace where a body laid covered by a thick woolen blanket and a doctor writing on what looked like a clipboard, the night was freezing so we just presumed the cold took him, the aunt said they were just waiting for a body to be picked up. 

I went over to hear maybe why he died, this part is a bit fuzzy all I remember now is I was facing in the direction of the aunt and possibly half a dozen or more nurses who all live together or something to that effect, anyway as I walked towards then I suddenly saw Jesus clearer that all the people before me he was standing in the air not 2 feet from me and he said “ wherever you are I Am” I was staring at him then I just turned round walked towards the body the doctor moved to stop me, he wasn’t impolite, just serious but it was as if he was on mute,

 I stood over the body and stretched my hand towards what I could make out was the body’s hand, it reached up and took mine, and I lifted a man, he wasn’t smelly or tramp like just a regular guy, you can imagine what happened next-panic the doctor didn't look well and all the rest of the doctors and nurses ran into the road, into traffic, I was alone with this guy who was looking who didn't move,

it was the first time I prayed “ God what shall say to this guy” and I heard so clearly,” tell him it's time to go home”, so that's what I said, it’s time to go home, he said “ I agree” and just walked away leaving me standing there baffled as to what to do next, in the end, I knocked on my pastor’s door the late Nicholas Rivett Carnac and his Wife Marigold a good shepherd and listener and I told them the story I just told you, this moment still has a profound effect on my perspective concerning Gods presence today.