Salvation compromised?

I had a shocking revelation this week
Although many of our saved,

It is possible that we are living beneath the blessing of our salvation. 
Are we saved, but not living in the power of it.

This is what is going around in my mind right now

Complete work
We believe Biblical salvation is a complete work.

We know we can’t add to it or take away from it, this was his work, and because of his death and resurrection we are complete in him Col 2:10. 


Although there are different elements in salvation, I just want to focus on the complete work salvation brings, that characteristic of never giving up to all is done, till all are redeemed. This we see as the pattern of salvation and it is this, I believe we are supposed to experience in our every day,

What will it mean if we can’t pray expecting his kind of salvation?


 We live in a world of trouble, do we walk around and say I’m nearly saved, or one day fully, there is no such confession of faith or doctrine those words Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust in him, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song and he has become my salvation.

 Many have taught that God is mysterious, and we shouldn’t really have high expectations, my friends they are quoting scripture but not reading the bible.” God does not change”,” he is the Saviour, “the same yesterday today and forever”. and the bible shows clearly it was in the everyday areas of our lives. Many are born again because he saved them before they were born again and after they were born again, and many saved are still experiencing this redeeming feature even now, can you imagine if we rejected this feature for one reason or another.

Let’s look to God for his fulness, not the half measures we are used too, mixing the world with God (this isn’t God btw, because God is not double minded, God is pure).


Jesus came to give us life abundantly Jn 10 :10, this life can only come from the salvation. this is what I see the abundant life is for those who are not living “the abundant life”,, there is no lack in heaven, so abundance is irrelevant. Heaven is a one stop shop.

And here is where there is abundance and lack, the listeners would have known talking about being satisfied completely spiritually and physically.

Now I'm not talking about man’s version prosperity when I mention abundance, that’s another message I'm talking about seeing salvation as a complete work in every part of your everyday life, abundantly.
Take a moment and think about praying with that kind of expectation, and what kind of prayers we shouldn’t be praying.

God paid the price for our salvation , a complete work ,Salvation for a fully redeemed life,  can we expect that here? yes, but In practice do we pray and expect a semi redeemed life or a full redeemed life? how you think and believe is critical to help you to see what you have.

If you think the fruit of his redemption comes later you need to think again, because redemption is.


Here's the revelation 
When God offers salvation, it is because an alternative is present, rejection of salvation is acceptance of an alternative.

Have we accepted in our live the alternative, is this why we struggle? you can’t have God’s salvation and the worlds salvation mixed together, and are we prepared to get biblical and wait for his salvation?

Though you are in the world you are not of it.

The Israelites by the red sea, knew the Egyptian army was right behind them, building a bridge or a have a boat was an alternative means of salvation, for escape, which was their temporary idea of salvation, it was not Gods.

God had said through Moses, you will never see them again, the key to that moment of salvation was in those words “you will not see this enemy again.” this is what is on the mind of a saviour.

Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:13

God’s word was the key to the mind that was at work in that situation. Listening and acting was the key to the total salvation that was present.

How many of us are still dealing with the same enemy, that's not salvation, when you spend time with God today, he'll be ready to take you past where you are into a place mentally and physically you have never been to walk in freedom to do what he has planned for you.
God salvation changes your whole life so that you will never look back, don’t listen to man’s half-baked experiences listen to God.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Apollos Constantine

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“I am the Lord and I don’t change”.